Miscellaneous Photos—2024
This page contains a collection of
miscellaneous photos shot throughout the year.
Rainbow over Ames (Friday, 2024-03-29)
A lovely rainbow over Hangar One
A lovely rainbow over Hangar One
A lovely rainbow over Hangar One
First maté at home (Saturday, 2024-03-30)
Lori and I enjoy our first yerba mate
Relocating turkeys (Monday, 2024-04-01)
Ames and the USDA set up this trap to relocate the
increasing number of turkeys bothering researchers
POST hike at Jones Gulch (Thursday, 2024-04-18)
In fourth or fifth grade, I spent a week at Jones Gulch in a
school program. I don't have much recollection from the
experience except what was preserved in a photograph: Garth Lien
shouting because he had a tick. Nonetheless, when POST
advertised the hike, I signed up in the hope that I might
remember something.
The YMCA at Jones Gulch provides a camping experience for youth
in San Mateo County. Due to budgetary issues, they were
contemplating selling the property to loggers. POST stepped in,
purchased the land, and provided an easement back to the 'Y'.
I may have remembered the archery targets.
Our group on the POST hike to Jones Gulch
Photo by POST
Babble turns 40 (Saturday, 2024-04-20)
Babble is 40!
Photo by Charlotte Blackmer
Mindego Hill + Charquin/Ancient Oaks Loop hike w/Lori & Deb (Sunday, 2024-04-21)
Giant wakerobin
Trillium chloropetalum
Moss grows on the old oaks
NASA DC-8 final voyage (Wednesday, 2024-05-15)
The NASA DC-8 makes a couple of low passes over Moffett
Field on its way from Building 703 in Palmdale, CA, to
its final resting place at the Idaho State University in
Pocatello, Idaho, where it will be used to train future
aircraft technicians by providing real-world experience
in the college’s Aircraft Maintenance Technology
Toast to POST at Saratoga Springs (Saturday, 2024-06-01)
Bill discusses the menu and lots of other things
Jon, Foroogh, Lori, and Bill discuss stuff
Lori has something to say to Foroogh, Bill, and Jon
Lunch with Bill, Lori, Marty, Foroogh, Jon, and Nan
Purisima Creek Redwoods Preserve hike w/Lori (Saturday, 2024-06-22)
Lori and I hiked a trail we had never hiked before. We hiked
from the Grabtown Gulch trailhead in the Purisima Creek Redwoods
Preserve via the Irish Ridge Trail to the Elbow Tree. The trail
was stunning: huge redwoods, sorrel, huckleberry, tanoak, and
the Elbow Tree.
A framed view to the ocean
Somewhere. In the haze. Is San Francisco.
Lots and lots of redwood sorrel!
Oxalis oregana
California fetid adderstongue
Scoliopus bigelovii
Russian & Skyline Ridge OSPs hike w/Lori (Sunday, 2024-06-30)
We started with the easy parking at the Audrey Rust parking lot,
but scooted over to the forests in the Skyline Ridge OSP. We
were amazed by the wildflower display at the end of June.
Ruby chalice clarkia
Clarkia rubicunda
Aquatic garter snake
Thamnophis atratus
Coulter's matilija poppy
Romneya coulteri
Skyline, Monte Bello, Los Trancos, OSPs hike w/Lori (Sunday, 2024-07-14)
A nice little tour of Monte Bello Open Space Preserve and a bit
of Los Trancos OSP from the parking lot in Skyline Ridge OSP,
including Black Mountain. There is still some water flowing in
Stevens Creek in mid-july.
Red baneberry
Actaea rubra
Arctic sweet coltsfoot
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus
Miscellaneous photos (starting Thursday, 2024-09-12)
Steve, Kyle, and I caught up at the Local Union 271 in Palo Alto
I saw a hawk go after a rabbit and then pause for a
moment in the tree outside my window after he missed
The old SOFIA mural in the N232 lobby was just replaced by one for Artemis
Packets of roof panels are hoisted in place and secured
by climbers until they can be installed
A new artistic gate to the Don Edwards SF Bay National
Wildlife Refuge highlights the local denizens was
installed along the new Flyway trail at the Bedwell
Bayfront Park