I had long heard about the Djerassi Resident Artists Program . Once they were protected by POST via a conservation easement, they were required to sponsor public hikes. The reservations fill up quickly. I finally got a spot.
The enthusiastic docents Dee, Nancy, and Dan led us on a short hike through the property where we saw fun, whimsical sculptures in a beautiful forest. I saw the biggest trillium I've ever seen! There were fields of of sorel.
After enjoying the captions below, you can view larger versions of the photos by clicking on them. This will open a new tab in Google Photos. Use its menu to start a slideshow, or select a photo and press the Info button to view captions and maps. Some of the names of the pieces are links to more information.
The Faeries, 2002, Derek Jackson, Spray paint, found wood |
Menagerie, 2011, Jen Blazina, Hydro-cal |
Contemplator, 2004, Yusuke Toda, Pine wood, manila hemp rope |
Orpheus Coyote and Friends, 1999, William King, Redwood, pine, fir, copper, glue |
Hear, 2013, Aristotle Georgiades, Found wood, salvaged swivel chair, wire, granite |
What If, 2016, Dušan Týnek, Clay. Find at least three comets! |
Return, 2016, Adam Kuby, Redwood |
Charred Sphere, Pyramid, Cube for Redwood Stumps, 1989, David Nash, Charred redwood |
Charred Sphere, Pyramid, Cube for Redwood Stumps, 1989, David Nash, Charred redwood |
Charred Sphere, Pyramid, Cube for Redwood Stumps, 1989, David Nash, Charred redwood |
Chromaticity, 2014, Curtis Frank, Salvaged roof tiles, metal, wood, outdoor paints, adhesives |
State Certified Facts, 1999, James Chinneck, Bronze, redwood |
State Certified Facts, 1999, James Chinneck, Bronze, redwood. But there are bullet holes! |
Nurse Log, 2017, Susanna Mishler, Logging boiler, electrical conduit |
Droog, 2003, Blane de St. Croix, Pine |
The Faeries, 2002, Derek Jackson, Spray paint, found wood |
Footnotes, 2016, Cintia Santana, Found redwood planks |
Vanishing Ship, 1989, John Roloff, Concrete, steel, glass |
Untitled, 2013, Mark Baugh-Sasaki, Welded steel, stone |
Footnotes, 2016, Cintia Santana, Found redwood planks |
Spirit of the Dead Father, 1996, Tome Adzievski, Madrone |
The Faeries, 2002, Derek Jackson, .Spray paint, found wood |
Landscape Painting, 1995, Alison Moritsugu, Oil paint, found redwood log |
The Pill Barn Windows, 2013, Brittany Powell Parich, Wire |
The Guardians, 2013, Nicole Buffett, Mud, grass, gravel, water, earth-based or mineral-based paint pigment. Eclipse, 2016, Paola Cabal, Ready-made frames, archival paper, removable spray paint, projection |
The Guardians, 2013, Nicole Buffett, Mud, grass, gravel, water, earth-based or mineral-based paint pigment. Eclipse, 2016, Paola Cabal, Ready-made frames, archival paper, removable spray paint, projection |
Roots to Crown, 2006, Alissa Neglia, Polyfoam, burlap, vinyl, upholstering tacks |
Roots to Crown, 2006, Alissa Neglia, Polyfoam, burlap, vinyl, upholstering tacks |
Door-Space, 2006, Peter Muller, Wood, metal |
Three Hills, 2006, David Nash, Charred redwood |
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