View Horn, Iceland, 2013 in a larger map
Packing lunches next to our bus before our first hike
Lori psyched for her first hike
The silhouette of the Vestrahorn mountain looked like a pregnant lady to me
The group gathers for our first history lesson on the 19th century trading center called Papos
Gunnar Bjorgvinsson, our guide
Please tell me what this is!
The pink wardrobe of Ásdís, our assistant guide, always contrasted nicely withthe grey rock and sky
More bright pink!
Photo by Dan Heller
Beach rocks and fishing net float
The sun reflects off water around a rock on a black sand beach
Lori, Bill, and Dan (our resident photographer) at lunch
The distintive spires of the Brunnhorn
Gunnar makes a wick with the cotton flower
Ruins of the British occupation from WWII
Gunnar hikes across a boggy meadow
Please tell me what this is!
We weren't quite sure what to make of this abandoned farmhouse
Ah! It's an old movie set for a movie about Vikings
The plaster of Paris has seen better days
What seems like a good recreation of a driftwood and
grass hut
Photo by Dan Heller
The set from the other side