On Wednesday, stardate 2010-02-17, Nichelle Nichols, who
portrayed Lieutenant Uhura in the original Star Trek series,
came to give a talk at Ames entitled What's in it for Me? While
she was here, we gave her a presentation about Kepler entitled,
What's in it for You. Or we should have! This presentation was
followed by a tour of the Kepler SOC.
Nichelle Nichols (Lt. Uhura) is introduced to Kepler
The crew of the Starship Kepler
Nichelle laughs at the artist's conception of what life
is like on hot Jupiters
Jon explains Kepler's really stellar light curves
Jon played a few aural representations of light curves,
but threw in a recording of Lt. Uhura for fun
Roger presents Nichelle with a memento of her visit
PT, Roger, Nichelle, Jon, & Dave
Nichelle & Bill
Photo by Michael Wu
Sally, Nichelle, Jim, and Wendy live long and prosper
Would you get a load of this guy?
Dave, Nichelle, and Todd kid around while the Kepler
computing clusters find planets
Dave, Nichelle, and Chris clown around too
Pat, Dave "Evil Eye" Pletcher, Nichelle, Todd, Kamal,
Sean, and Mike
Nichelle digs being in a NASA restricted area
Nichelle poses with PT's Star Trek paraphernalia,
Roger, and Doug
Nichelle gives her "What's in it for Me?" speech in the
Ames auditorium