dive: 137 |
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dive: 139 |
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Sheephead, wolf eel out in the open, spot prawn, biggest (20 cm) scallop I'd ever seen, staghorn bryozoans are not hydrocoral,
5 min nodeco
17.5 m avg
(copy to site info when it doesn't crash the Treo)
I counted at least 30 specimens in a band along the bottom of the rock between 30 and 35 m (100-115 ft).
The anchorage is in a sand channel to the east of the top of the rock at about 32 m (105 ft) (N 36 31.460, W 121 56.540) while the top of the pinnacle is about 22 m (72 ft) (maybe N 36 31.460, W 121 56.570). Visually, the anchorage is 200 degrees from the horn on Guillemot Rock and 120 degrees from the outermost rock at Cannery Point. Swim down to the anchor and swim southwest to the rock (possibly around a smaller rock).
depth | time | runtime | gas |
dive: 137 |
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dive: 139 |